I would love to go to Argentina. I think it as very beautiful country, and I always heard that theater and books are very accesible. I love places where they recognize how much important is culture. I also know that Argentina is one of the more avdance country in latin america in there normative about LGBTQ+ rights. I would like to get involved with people that recognize the respect for marginize groups of society as a need.

My cousin, who visited Buenos Aires, told me that in the city exist an avenue where are all of the thearters, like Brooklyn. I never went to Brooklyn but I imagine for the movies, that is like that. 

For how advance this country is on queer theory and gender studies, I would love to make a master's degree or postgraduate degree there. When I started to study journalism I started to had the idea about study something related to sociology that's really interested me and I would like to study with latin people for generated discutions from our territory. 

I also heard about Argentinas's culture is all over the city of Buenos Aires. One classmate told me that Buenos Aires, in comparation of Chile, had a very carasterictic aura. In his word, "you could feel the argentinian culture in there street. Chile have been so much influenced by gringo's culture".


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